


Kashmir is known for its regular magnificence as well as various different things moreover. One of them is experience tourism. Indeed, enterprise tourism in Kashmir is one of the real draws for the vacationers. A variety of choices exists in the valley for the enterprise cherishing guests. A portion of the spots in the valley where the enterprise sports offices are accessible are Gulmarg, Sonmarg, Pahalgam, Drass, and so on. The mountain ranges and in addition the spouting waterways of the valley give plenteous chances to enterprise tourism in Kashmir. The test of the turbulent waterways is no not exactly that of the rough mountains. The cold statures of the Himalayas are the wellspring of some of India's powerful streams. Sustained by endless streams they race along convoluted rock strewn beds, cutting profound canyons and breaking into shimmering white rapids. With the multifaceted system of mountain waterways moving through a horde of diverse shades of rough canyons, woods, blooms and high mountain towns, the Lidder River Pahalgam give perfect areas to the ideal water experience. The game of white water stream rafting brings for a triumph over the quick whirling waterway as it spouts past fabulous mountains. It is rehearsed for the most part in the upper spans where the water is wild and white as it foams and froths, slamming against slender canyons, rough outcrops and falls at profound slopes.


Destination India

Rafting Tour package

3 Days 4 Nights