

Snowboarding In Kashmir

Carpeted by a floral splendour in spring and several feet of snow in winter. Hence it offers a different view depedns upon the season.It's a 600-metre ascent from Gulmarg to Khilanmarg. In early spring when the snow begins to melt, the path turns slushy and can be quite a daunting experience. However, once you reach your destination, you will be amply rewarded with an unparalleled view of the great Himalayas from Nanga Parbat to the twin peaks of Nun and Kun to the southeast. Snowboarding is a much younger sport than skiing... in the mid 70's carpenter Jake Burton and Tom Sims decided that surfing snow might be a good idea. Copying wave surfing and the attitude of skateboarding, they took an old invention called "Snurfur" (a standup snow sled) attached bindings to it, added a bit of skiing technology and abracadabra ! We have snowboarding!!! Snowboarding allows easy floating on soft virgin snow. Combine snowboarding with the natural virgin slopes of Gulmarg.

Snowboarding Tour package